Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mask Dance Culture

According to folklore growing Mask Dance was created by fairly famous sultan of Cirebon, namely Sunan Gunung Jati. When Sunan Gunung Jati Cirebon ruling, there was an attack by Prince Welang of Falkirk. Prince is very powerful because it has a sword called Sewu waterfall. Seeing the magic prince, Sunan Gunung Jati could not match even been aided by Sunan Kalidjaga and Prince Cakrabuana. Cirebon sultan finally decided to fight the supernatural Prince Welang the art of diplomacy.

Starting from a decision that was later formed a dance group, with Nyi Mas Gandasari as dancers. Once the art was known, eventually Welang prince falls in love with the dancers, and the Sewu waterfall handed sword as a sign of his love.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Kecak Dance Cultural History

Also called the dance "Cak" or dance of fire (Fire Dance) is a dance show or a mass entertainment and the arts tend as a ballet dance drama and art as entirely describe the role of "the play Puppets" as Rama Sinta and not specifically used in ritual Hindu religion such as worship, temple ceremony and other ceremonies.
Form - the form of "sacred" in the Kecak dance is usually indicated in terms kerauhan or masolah is magically immune to fire so it does not burn.

Not known exactly where the Kecak dance originated, and where first developed. However, there is a wide agreement on the Balinese Kecak first developed into an art pertujukan in Bona, Gianyar, as additional knowledge Kecak was originally a song or music of the resultant blend sounds to form melodies that are usually used to accompany dance Trance sacred. And can only be performed in the temple. Then in the early 1930s of artists from the village of Bona, Gianyar trying to develop a Kecak dance by taking part of the story of Ramayana Dance Trance didramatarikan instead so it could eventually dipertontontan dance in public as performance art. Part of the Ramayana story is taken first is that when Sita was abducted by King Ravana.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

House Gadang One Indonesian Culture

In Minangkabau dwelling house, known as the sieve (large). Great not only in a physical sense, but more than that, namely in terms of function and role with regard to the custom. When considered in the residence for an area intimately linked to natural factors and indigenous or home environment was established. Swampy areas, many rivers, there are wild animals disorders etc. home trend established with a high and a large pole. With high colonnaded houses on stilts and can avoid all kinds of dangers such as natural disasters and other disorders.

Some matters relating to this gadang is as follows:

Thursday, August 15, 2013

cultural races in Madura cattle

Tourist visits to the island of Madura less complete it if you do not see Bull Race race event. This highly prestigious event, which is believed to raise the dignity of the Madurese.

For this special event, selected cows were highly qualified. Because of this, often the owner of preparing beef cattle pacuannya by giving a special massage and food was not less than 80 eggs per day to cows maintained stamina and strength.

Preferential treatment is also given to the local people prepare special garage for the cow, which should be used for car parking. Understandably, the game-winning cattle prices could reach Rp75 million per head.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Dance Traditions Plates

At first, this Plate Dance is a ritual greeting local community gratitude to the gods after getting abundant harvests. Rituals performed by bringing offerings in the form of food which is then placed on the plate while stepping with dynamic motion.
After the introduction of Islam into Minangkabau, Plate Dance tradition is no longer used as a greeting ritual of gratitude to the gods. However, dance is used as a means of entertainment for many people who appear at events crowd.
In Malaysia, a dance dedicated plate when the assembly is marriage, especially for families, nobles and wealthy in a village. This dance typically seen in the area of ​​Seremban, Kuala Pilah and Rembau by a certain set. There are presented with a complete outfit and dance apparel incomplete. Little fee will be charged if pick up is offered dance dance collection plate. 10-20 minutes devoted to this dance offerings.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Cultural history Music Keroncong

Before the advent of rock music, pop music or other music, keroncong music have been first there and entertain those who are hungry for entertainment will sound art. Its history is long, if traced, but menilisik about the origins of the music itself, there are many diverse opinions ejected with each having their own opinions.
The first opinion is more likely to say that the form is not a form of music keroncong import (foreign), but actually the fruit of the ancestors of Indonesia itself and the outside is coming from his instrument. This instrument is the first entry into Indonesia and brought by the Portuguese. Associated with the Moorish Arabs who affect the course of the history of cultural development in Europe to Asia.
The second opinion said keroncong music developed by Moresko class. Moresko class is part of the Moors who did not flee to mainland Africa Islam and do not want to languish in camps of the Spanish Inquisition who at the time was victorious, and prefer to go to the Christian religion.