Saturday, August 17, 2013

House Gadang One Indonesian Culture

In Minangkabau dwelling house, known as the sieve (large). Great not only in a physical sense, but more than that, namely in terms of function and role with regard to the custom. When considered in the residence for an area intimately linked to natural factors and indigenous or home environment was established. Swampy areas, many rivers, there are wild animals disorders etc. home trend established with a high and a large pole. With high colonnaded houses on stilts and can avoid all kinds of dangers such as natural disasters and other disorders.

Some matters relating to this gadang is as follows:

1. Establish the Tower House
Gadang house was built on the land in question. If you want to set up, the prince of the meetings held with the child beforehand nephew. After an agreement can be brought to the powers that exist in pesukuannya, so carry on the powers of the existing dinagarinya.

To find diserayakan forest timber to the villagers and relatives. Take the place of wood in traditional forest villages. Handyman who worked on the house they will be in the form of assistance from craftsmen in the villages or diupahkan gradually. The house is built on a family dedicated women, whereas for men built houses celibacy and after Islam arrived there surau. Though the house was reserved for women, but the ruling was a prince and who is responsible directly to the TSB is gadang tungganai.
Gadang if it is outdated and needs to repair the rest of the agreement entered into.

Had gadang be opened because it is not possible to be repaired, then it should be as far as the village or senagari and especially the powers that exist in villages TSB.

Not all families are allowed to build the house and the large sieve must have certain conditions. The terms of, among others, people who will build the predicted house in the village is the origin of which they will have the status of indigenous and tribal nagarinya. Although it's a rich people, but he is a newcomer families who do not have the status of indigenous tribes and villages are not allowed to build houses gadang.

Despite this agreement from the powers that exist in tribal villages and determine whether it justified the setting up a home gadang or not.

Views of how to build, fix and open gadang any element of togetherness and mutual cooperation fellow members of the community without expectation of remuneration. Highly preferred social function of economic function. Although the house was owned and occupied predicted by the members, but in principle it is owned gadang villages for setting up a home predicted based on the provisions of the prevailing custom in the villages and as far as the powers to set it up or open it.

2. Functions of the Tower House
Gadang serves as a residence and as a custom inggiran. Size depends as much space in the house occupants. However, space is usually an odd number such as five rooms, nine rooms and there are even more. As predicted dwellings had booths next to the back row are inhabited by children who are married women, mothers, grandmothers and children.

What matters more is predicted as a function of the custom inggiran, doing errands, putting indigenous or traditional ceremonial implement such a place of death, birth, marriage, setting up custom oversized, place of arbitration, all customs etc..

Comparison of bed space with common room is the third for sleeping rooms and two thirds in the public interest.
This comparison gives the sense that the public interest takes precedence over personal interests.

3. Pattern of the Tower House
Minangkabau house ship-shape predicted that small and large bottom upwards. Ridge that forms the roof has curved upwards ie approximately half circle. Plan a rectangular base and floor is above the poles. Staircase entrances located in the middle and a front porch. There also are making an end, there is usually a place where the kitchen.

Minangkabau traditional house does not have a definitive measure using meters. The length and width of the house is determined by anchoring (pathways) and is commonly used as a measure of feet or fathoms. Width or anchoring space (distance between the poles according to the width and length) varies between 2 1/2 m to 4 m. Length of the house at least 3 rooms and even up to 21 spaces, which is normal 3,7,9 space. While the breadth sekuang least 3 lines and no more than 4 lines. Size is not edible elbow, but called the plot size and worth. Mato leaning smart ka nan, nan ka lamak Salero skew.

Lines or elongated anchoring the house. The first line of the face called bandua but, the second track is called labuah elephant. The third track is called labuah Tangah, while the fourth track called Biliak. The room is located on the pieces according to the width of the house. The space in the middle is called "Elephant Maharam (elephant brood). Dikri Two space called sarambi papek and two spaces to the right is called the king directly.
on the left and right ends there and the bridge consists of three levels of number of at least two levels. Anjung a staircase located in the center of the width of the house.

4. Post
Milestones of the wood octagonal poles are not the same length, the poles lined up / lined. Banjo banjo front and low back. Banjar ranks number two on the front and back of higher and banjo / row in the middle of the most high.

5. Penetrance
Between the pole and the pole longitudinal membelintang linked by facilitating penetrance. Penetrance transverse through the sculpture on the pole. Penetrance ruyung material from coconut wood or hard wood forests. Sculptured over 2m less than basic or joints. Sculptured same pole height at each pole is for facilitating the penetrance sculpture. Above under transverse penetrance penetrance facilitating sculpture. Penetrance transverse supported with the same ruyung thick with ribs transverse to the sculptured high penetrance facilitator. Above singgiran compiled Jeriau floor, to the floor to be flat.

6. Code
Each milestone feet standing on a rock called with a password. Password stone was imported then after all poles connected by a stretch of the penetrance and famine. Paran, is a length of wood or ruyung coconut trees connecting each pole on the top end. Same with penetrance. It's called the long stretch of transverse and translucent. Punco-punco poles are connected by a long stretch of not too high up to look at the arch or the so-called famine snake mangulai (mengulai). Translucent arch is what will form the gonjong (roof tops).

7. Floor
Gadang floor with boards. Jeriau mounted above the floor boards and sometimes the floor is made of pounded bamboos (split bamboo). For this gadang floor customary phrase says "custom carpet floor banamo, tampek the janang play Pantan, playing the prince tampek reserved. Gadang floor there are two types when viewed from its shape.

Differences of this type of flooring as differentiating gadang Bodi Caniago with Koto gadang Piliang. The floor is flat for all areas of body types Caniago. All princes who sat the same dignity, with the customary words duduak randah samo, samo tagak high. While the traditional Koto Piliang floor terraced or diverse, higher than the floor level floor and girder elephant pendant edge. The powers of the sitting of Kelarasan Koto gadang Piliang in accordance with the levels.

8. Anjung
Anjung is room floor or three two-story house on the end of the base, which is a connecting room and called the king directly and foyer papek (oblate). Anjung is noble and honorable.

9. Roof
Gadang roofs of palm fiber material, mounted on the hood of the set located on a curved stretch of roughly half a quarter of a circle and the circle of high translucent ketuturan (both sides of the plane of the roof). Hood made bud (gonjong) and at least four long pieces that divide the house. Two semicircular gonjong middle, the other two left right after following the first arch. Gonjong next room ends left and right to follow up the previous arc gonjong into six pieces.

If the house has a porch gadang then added another one that blends with gonjong gonjong porch stairs. Gonjong porch made ditengahruang odd blend between the king versus papek porch or in line with the elephant room hatch. Gonjong mengahadap porch into the yard. Gonjong called rabuang mambasuik. Head of the snake flicks like tooth blackener. Pimpiran is thickened portion eaves and carved ijuknya spouse or tied with rope carved silver. Pimpiran longitudinal picking from a speech that seklaigus bone to prop gonjong. Speech is the lowest eaves and the rain fell to the ground together.

To climb the ladder gadang there; number of steps and usually have an odd number 5,7 and 9. Customary to say the words' down from Tanggo, naiak of long and slender. The point in discussing the issue sesuaru closely associated with the customs let through the levels that have been set in such a way. For example, to lift a prince discuss first on the level, after which it was brought to the level of rates to the level of villages and so on. Instead stepped down when there is something to be delivered by the results of the density of Adat Nagari nephew delivery to children not directly but through the powers of tribal, tungganai, etc. mamak home.

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