Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cultural Tourism Jaranan

According to history, the origins of art lesson jaranan or braid removed from traditional folk tales Kediri precisely the Government of the Kingdom of Ngurawan Amiseno King, one of the Kediri kingdom located in east river Brantas. It is said that the King berputera a daughter who was very beautiful and handsome that no appeal can not be described with words, named Dyah Ayu Songgolangit. Not surprisingly, beauty Songgolangit famous throughout the universe so many kings from outside the area who want mempersuntingnya Kediri.

Sonngolangit has a younger brother whose handsome, skilled and creative in the keprajuritasn though, named Raden Tubagus Putut. To add insight and knowledge Raden Tubagus Putut excuses to wander on his father and disguised as ordinary people. Meanwhile in the Kingdom of Wind Bantar led oelh King Kelono Sewandono, Raden Tubagus interested Putut serve / Suwito. Thanks to its ability to soldiering though he was appointed royal governor and was named regent Pujonggo Anom. King Kelono Sewandono hear Dyah Ayu Beauty Songgo sky and wanted to ask for her hand, then diutuslah Patih Pujonggo Anom to apply to Kediri. Before leaving for Karachi Pujonggo Anom instructions to the Gods pleaded for him to go unnoticed by her father and her brother.

In the kingdom of the applicants came Ngurawan many of which King Singo Barong of Lodoyo who accompanied King Singokumbang his assistance. Anom Pujonggo arrival to apply make Songgolangit surprised, because although Pujonggoanom wearing a mask, he knew that it was his own brother. Songgolangit facing Pujonggo Anom father said that it was his own son. Hear the narrative of the father in anger. Then the King condemned Pujonggo Anom that masks worn on the face can not be removed from his face. Pujonggo Songgolangit Anom told that her application was actually for his king is King Kelono Sewandono. Songgolangit finally issued a Patembaya (contest) which read: He wanted a bridge that is not grounded in the soil; Anyone who can make a spectacle that does not exist in this universe, and when held to enliven the universe, as well as heading to Kediri manten Pengarak must 'nglandak sahandape Bantala '(via underground) to the accompaniment of drumming. Any person who can fulfill the request then the creator has the right to marry as a consort Goddess Songgolangit.

Pujonggo Anom reported Songgolangit request to King Kelono Sewandono. Feeling pretty hard, eventually they meditated the instructions invoke the Great Gods. Gods give material form Bantang bamboo, iron plates and a whip called Samandiman whip. The bamboo sticks are used to make a horse braid that symbolizes a bridge that is not grounded in the soil, iron plates made of materials catchy drumming. In a short time along with Pujonggo Anom Kelono Sewandono been able to meet the Goddess patembaya Songgolangit.

Finally troop of horsemen warriors Wind Bantar towards Kediri kingdom, accompanied by drumming can be a spectacle never before seen oelh Kediri society. Thus began the art named Tari Jaran braid consisting of four dancers who portray people as a royal courtier ang was riding in the task of guarding the king. The dance is accompanied by one unit of a Javanese gamelan percussion, kenong, kempol, suwukan gongs, trumpets, drums and shakers. On the other hand, King Singo Barong feel preliminaries by King Kelono Sewandono, then angry Singo Barong and there was war. Kelono Sewandono excel in war thanks Samandiman whip. Singo Barong surrender to Kelono Sewandono and could be a fixture in jaranan performances held in the Kingdom of Kediri, because basically they are very fond of gamelan music. By joining Singo Barong and his assistance Singo Beetles (boar) then fulfilled dancer jaranan six people until now.

In addition to a set of gamelan, performances jaranan offerings also need to be provided from the mastermind jaranan commonly called 'Gambuh' among others: Incense (frankincense is mixed with a certain perfume and then burned), Buceng (containing male and some grilled chicken snack market, one coconuts and plantains a comb), Flower Boreh (containing flowers and flower kanthil Kenongo), Ulung-master (in the form of a rooster sound), kinangan (of one unit of gambier, tell, tobacco and crushed limestone into one and pitted with tobacco). Furthermore the gambuh with mouth muttering incantations read while sitting cross-legged in front of offerings to try to communicate with ancestral spirits and requested that infiltrate one of the dancers jaranan sport. After the spirit desired by the gambuh it comes to sports and infiltrate one of the dancers dancer who has infiltrated his body by the spirit can dance unconscious for hours ever since followed the will of the spirit which is infiltrated in the body. While dancing, fireworks jaranan fed and drinking water mixed with rice bran and some have unusual eating broken glass Semprong.

In Kediri Jaranan art often displayed to welcome important guests, the inauguration or family parties, especially for events that take place in the month of Suro.

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