Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Ketoprak Art From Indonesia

Ketoprak is a traditional folk drama that comes from Central Java. Ketoprak performed by both men and women players whose number depends on the play that was delivered. Ketoprak played at night with a 3-4 hour long play. Costume worn in the form of clothing Java with Java language. The story chronicles the history or Java with more realistic depictions of figures Ketoprak. Ketoprak appearance sometimes elements of dance, voice, music and art of acting.
Ketoprak say traditional because this drama was shown to the audience without the use of text as applicable to the modern drama. Here, the players do not need to memorize the text first before playing. The players say the dialogue is improvised or wear certain sentence patterns traditionally known by the public.

          According Diponingrat Asti, Ketoprak derived from Surakarta which is then entered into the city of Yogyakarta in 1926. Ketoprak name is taken from the sound produced from his instrument. At that time Ketoprak using mortar instrument (tool for pounding rice), flute, flying, drums. The resulting rhythm .. .. dung dung. . Crunch. Crunch ... . Pating ketuprak (Javanese) so that people call Ketoprak.
According to the Encyclopedia of Indonesia, Ketoprak derived from Surakarta. Ketoprak originally created by Raden Kanjeng Hero Wreksodiningrat, Regent gedong Kiwo, Kesunanan Surakarta in 1898. At that time Surakarta contracted bubonic plague. Raden Kanjeng Hero Wreksodiningrat sad and thrilled to see its citizens die in the streets, in emergency shelters lying whimpering. Then sent his servants to entertain residents affected by such misfortune.
Entertainment provided to residents by the time it was in the form of song and dance to the accompaniment of dimples. From this arises the designation Ketoprak dimples. In the following years, Ketoprak still growing and start growing some groups who play outside the palace, and even spread to local Yogyakarta in subsequent years. At this time Ketoprak've gone from only male players to players from the women and the accompanying music was already using gamelan.
In 1927 already there Ketoprak with gamelan accompaniment, but the mortar is still used. At that time Ketoprak in transition / transition between the mortar and Ketoprak Ketoprak gamelan. 1928 new Ketoprak escape mortar music and just wear a full gamelan. Her clothes were already wearing ¬ materials are fairly good material, which is made from satin and adjusted to the story displayed. If the story plays Babad Demak, then the Arab story that the players wear robes and so on.
In Klaten, Surakarata people began to recognize Ketoprak in the 20th century. Inspired by the birth Ketoprak gejogan game and stamping, the game is done by the girls in the village at the time punama with dimples ring, which results in a certain rhythm. The dimples games usually go accompanied by singing, coupled with drums and flutes, and spiked short stories of everyday people's lives, so be Ketoprak.
Along with the development kethoprak, Ketoprak dimples started out with gamelan because Ketoprak Ketoprak presence is felt more interesting with the changes that occurred from the story, the musical accompaniment, and the clothing worn at the time of performing in front of people. Female lead is no longer played by men but women's role has been performed by a real woman.
During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia Ketoprak not escape from Japanese censorship. Ketoprak well-liked by the community, and is able to attract the attention of such films favor dipangungg just something that's it that makes people tired of watching it. Boredom is what makes Ketoprak a special place in the hearts of the people.
At the present time Ketoprak not only play local stories, but also take the stories from the outside. Whether it's from outside of Java and from abroad. Adjust because the story and the origin of the region, the players Ketoprak also customize costume she wore when performing.
Ketoprak growing now is the development of a growing Ketoprak dimples with a group of artists who use music gamelan accompaniment. Dance and song on the development interfere deemed kethoprak dramatic art, then the art is both reduced portion and replaced with direct dialogue.
Most unexpected breakthroughs of today's development is the emergence Ketoprak Ketoprak in print, either serialize or comic, in the form of books and electronic media. Ketoprak able to penetrate the tape is packed in cassette, Paing also remarkable is the inclusion Ketoprak in television.

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