Friday, July 26, 2013

Tradition Dreadlocks Cut In Dieng Plateau

Dieng Plateau is considered as a place that had once held sacred mystique. Dieng is derived from the Old Javanese word that means a place dihyang spirits of the ancestors.
Dieng Plateau has a natural beauty wrapped in cool air and warmed by the hospitality of its people. However, there is something unique in the Dieng Plateau, namely the phenomenon of child beggars or child dreads.
This phenomenon occurs in the child dreads a number of villages in the Dieng Plateau, Central Java. Dieng native children aged 40 days to 6 years of age have natural hair and dreadlocks are not created.
The gimbal child initially had a fever with a very high body temperature accompanied menggigau bedtime (ngromet). The symptoms can not be treated until the normal end in itself but the hair of the child will turn into dreadlocks.

.. Cut the dreads before asking the child then the child will cause pain and even re-grow hair dreadlocks.
Dreads the children there are several strands curled on the back, covered with fine hair on the outside. Some are lumpy and thick dreadlocks like dull hair that never washed.
Dreadlocks children also sometimes behaved like children his age because it is often aloof. Local people believe that when the child starts chatting alone with his magical friends. They did not dare to break taboos regarding child beggars this myth, such as cutting the dreads before the child asks for a cut. If violated, will result in the child's pain and went back hair dreadlocks.
Dieng child dreads believed to be the surrogate ruler of the supernatural and can only be reduced following the request of the child concerned. There is also the demand of the child to be met and this desire could not be intervened by other parties, including his parents. The demand must be met, can not be less or more. Sometimes the child can ask for anything, not to mention the implementation ruwatan tangled or matted hair cutting ritual that requires a considerable cost. Sometimes if the request was not granted the child then the child will be returned sick and gimbalnya hair grows back.
Before the hair-cutting ceremony, will be performed ritual prayer ceremonies in some places in order to run smoothly. These places are Dwarawati Temple, Arjuna temple complex, Spring Maerokoco, Candi Gatot Kaca, Telaga Kambang Hall, Temple Way, Sikidang Crater, the Hermitage complex Mandalasari (cave in Telaga Warna), Kali Pepek, and the burial place of Dieng. Evening ceremony will be followed Jamasan Heritage, which was taken when washing heirloom carnival kids for sheared dreadlocks.
The next day do the new procession to the place of shaving. The journey begins from the adat elders and stopped near Maerokoco Spring or Spring Sedayu. As long as the kids around the village is guarded dreads elders, community leaders, community groups traditional arts, as well as the community.
After the procession then made bathing in the well child dreads Sedayu Spring or Spring Maerokoco located in northern Darmasala Arjuna temple complex. Upon entering the wells Spring Sedayu children umbrella Robyong protected dreadlocks and a long cloth around Spring Maerokoco. Once completed, the children are escorted to a place dreadlocks shaving.
When shaving ritual offerings will be offered in the form of the head of a chicken, tempeh gembus, Etawa, guinea pigs, and other offerings are derived from crops Dieng Plateau Area.
Before shaving, traditional arts will entertain children and society dreadlocks. When it came time cutting hair then one by one the children called dreadlocks. Among them are those who feel fear and there is also a cheerful atmosphere in the crowds of visitors. The child's parents believe that the ritual dreadlocks can free their children from all diseases and bring sustenance.
Dreadlocks kids hair cutting process will take about 30 minutes took place in front of the temple Arjuna. Shearing is done dreads community leaders accompanied by guides and indigenous stakeholders.
The next ceremony will be conducted submit the requested object or the child's previous dreadlocks. The man next ceremony will be washed away chunks of dreads to Telaga Warna River flowing into Serayu and berhilir to the South Coast in the Indian Ocean.
Pelarungan haircut dreadlocks symbolize the return of the river to the reinforcements (misfortune) that brought the child to the gods. There is a belief that these children attended jin dreadlocks and hair cuts will drive the genie out of the body so that all troops will be gone and sustenance came.
There are two versions about the origin of the child's dreadlocked Dieng. First, the general public is circulating in the dreadlocks are entrusted Kyai Kolodete, the ancestors of the people who first opened Dieng village. Kolodete clerics vowed not to cut his hair and would not shower before the opening of the village prospered. Later descendants will have the same characteristics as her hair and the sign would bring prosperity to the village. The second version is the custodian Kanjeng dreads Ratu Kidul in South Beach. This belief is believed that most of the people still Javanese beliefs.
rambur child dreads shaving ceremony is already included in the annual "Dieng Culture Festival" in July. The event featured ruwatan dreads, cultural arts festivals, exhibitions Dieng typical products. You'll see kids with dreadlocks dikirab chariot accompanied by servants dressed in traditional Javanese dance and followed during surrounds the village. This dance is also lively game and harmonization angklung and gamelan percussion in shades Java Java and Islamic tradition. Also displayed a variety of attractions such as art Warok, Lengger, tek-tek, rampakyaksa, lion dance, and a variety of other arts. 

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